JOINT SIZE: 12-36″ (Custom larger sizes may be available; contact Balco directly)
MOVEMENT: ±50% to ±100% Expansion/Contraction; ±50% to ±100% Lateral Shear; Vertical Shear Varies
FEATURES: Durable aluminum cover; Withstands loads from snow, wind and seismic activity; Easy to assemble and install; Full, multi-directional (three-axis) movement; Surface mount installation only; Comes standard with water barrier; Drain assemblies available; Kynar or anodized options available (to match surrounding construction; see Color Chart for details); Ships in max 10′ lengths (cut at factory)
PERFORMANCE: Seismic, thermal and wind movement per ASTM E1399 standard; Snow, wind and seismic loading per ASCE 7; Contributes to LEED® credits